ATTENTION! Emergency Information... A major City sewer line was hit and damaged by the contractor working on the US 20 interchange project. ***Please limit indoor water use (toilets, sinks, laundry, showers, car washes, etc.) until further notice in all parts of the City while the contractor and City work to address the situation. Crews are actively on the scene to address the situation. We don't have a timeline at this moment, but we will keep you posted as we learn more. ***Water has not been contaminated, crews are working to restrict the flow of water.
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
Attention! Rexburg sewer line rupture! Limit the use of water!"
The sun is setting on our 2024 Rexburg Rapids season! Our FINAL DAY is this Saturday, August 24th! We'll miss the water and the waves just as much as you...but we want to take a moment to remind you that season passes and punch cards can't be carried over to the 2025 season. So be sure to come soak up as much fun with us as you can while we're still open!
7 months ago, Rexburg Rapids
water slides, sun glare, and "final days"
water slides and text "august 24th is our last day of the season" rapids logo
We have contacted the winner of our raffle...Congratulations, Annie! Thank you to everyone who participated. Please share the news about this app with your local "village" to help us spread the word about this fantastic new resource! Learn more about the app:
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
giveaway winner congrats + photo of backpack prize
Download Rexburg’s New App Today! ...Enter our Raffle in honor of Celebrate Youth! To enter, search for “City of Rexburg” in your mobile app store. Download our FREE app! Open the app and click the “hamburger” menu in the lower left corner. Find and open the “Enter the Raffle” Form. Enter your phone, email & submit! For a BONUS entry: Share this post today (8/20/2024) on Facebook or Instagram and give us a tag!
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
Rusty finds a pothole
Rusty wants to let the City know...
He has an idea...
The City's app will allow Rusty to "Report a Concern"
Under the "Forms" button on the menu, Rusty can find the correct link
When the form opens, he can fill it out and submit it from there
Other concerns can be reported there too!
The City appreciates our community's help to find our "problem areas"
Rusty can rest easy knowing the pothole has been reported to the correct city crew.
Download the App
Catch up with the latest stories, events, and news updates in City of Rexburg. If you haven't already, download our app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
It's everything City of Rexburg in your pocket! Download the City of Rexburg, ID app form the iOS App store or Android Play Store and enable Notifications!
AUDITION CALL!!! Rexburg Cultural Arts is seeking talented and budding thespians to fill the roles of the characters in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! Auditions are TONIGHT and TOMORROW at the Romance Theater Sign up for your audition slot now!
7 months ago, Cultural Arts
Audition Call for Best Christmas Pageant Ever 8/19 & 20
We Need Your Feedback! As a city, we always say that Rexburg is unique in that our "sense of place" lies in the people who call it home. That is why we call Rexburg "America's Family Community." And while we feel that this community does a lot to come together on its own, we want to continue to build upon that aspect of our well-being. So what does that mean to you? What defines a community? How do you think the City can help bring residents together? Share your thoughts with us as we work to continue to build the essence of Rexburg: You, our community. Send us your thoughts on Engage Rexburg under the "Community Building" project. Hurry! The survey closes in just two weeks!
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
We need your feedback about building up our community | "Rexburg" | graphics of people in comment boxes and geometric shapes
Join us for FOOTLOOSE: Youth Edition! 🎧🎭 Presented by Rexburg Cultural Arts' Youth Summer Theater Camp THIS WEEKEND is your chance to experience this unforgettable production of music, dance, and laughter as these talented young performers bring this high-energy show to life! Come cut loose and kick off your Sunday shoes with us! There are only 3 performances of this amazing show over a 2-day period. Time will fly...don’t miss it! Friday at 7 pm and Saturday at 2 & 7 pm! (Performances are about an hour each) Find more information and get your tickets now by visiting our website's calendar or the events section of our new app!
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
teen girls dancing on stage point right "Been workin' so hard"
Teen boys on stage with hands up to foreheads "Eight  hours for what?"
teen kids sitting in theater seats singing and smiling "We've got this feeling..."
teen kids dancing on stage "Everybody cut Footloose"
Footloose youth edition graphic promo image; denim jeans background and text
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and get push notifications right from your phone. Download for Android Download for iPhone
8 months ago, City of Rexburg
It's everything City of Rexburg in your pocket! Download the city of rexburg ID app from the iOS app store or android play store and enable notifications
The D.A.R.E Car Wash is happening now! Today, July 24, from now until 7 pm this evening...come to the Tagg n Go on N 2nd E for your usual car wash and meanwhile support this wonderful organization! Bring the fam, there will be fun for all after the car is shiny.
8 months ago, City of Rexburg
DARE Car Wash Flyer for 7/24/24 @ Tagg N Go on N 2nd E 10am-7pm
ATTENTION! EXIT 333, Rexburg's Central Exit Closure Moved Up One Week! UPDATE FROM ITD: US-20 Main Street Exit in Rexburg to fully close this Monday, 7/22/2024. "REXBURG­­—The Main Street Exit for Rexburg on U.S. Highway 20 will fully close beginning next Monday. The closure at Exit 333 will allow the Idaho Transportation Department to efficiently construct a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) like the one now operating at University Boulevard (Exit 332). The closure is expected to last through the month of August. All ramps at Exit 333, as well as Main Street between the ramps, will be closed to traffic and detoured to nearby interchanges. Through traffic on US-20 will be unaffected during construction. Detours include Thornton (Exit 328), University Boulevard (Exit 332), and North Rexburg (Exit 337). A new permanent traffic signal will be in place and operating to aid the flow of traffic at the North Rexburg Exit prior to this closure. One-lane closures are in effect at the University Boulevard Exit while construction efforts continue there. ..." Read the full press release from ITD here: You can also check our Featured Construction page for details and updates.
8 months ago, City of Rexburg
Photo of the Rexburg Central Exit
**ROAD CLOSURE: 2nd E from Main St to 1st S!** We've been notified that a single-block closure on 2nd E that had been scheduled for Monday has been pushed up to tomorrow. From our City Engineer: "The closure of 2nd E from Main St to 1st S will now start tomorrow morning. Crews will be replacing the sidewalk, curb and gutter, and sewer lines. They are anticipating paving to begin in about 4 weeks." The block will remain closed to through traffic for the duration of the project. Residents immediately affected should retain access as much as possible. With this, we offer big sighs. 😪 We know this season of construction has been an especially difficult one. Throughout construction please remember to allow yourself plenty of extra travel time, be vigilant of workers on the roads, take deep breaths, and maybe save the heavy metal music for later on in the year. 😉 ☯️Stay Safe and Stay Sane Rexburg! Thank you for bearing with us this summer.
8 months ago, City of Rexburg
Rexburg logo with shapes replaced by road signs. "Rexburg summer of Road Construction"
Blue square with text "Allow extra time, Plan Ahead"
Blue square with text "put on some calming music"
Blue square with text "when you're in the throws of slow and heavy traffic, take deep breaths"
Blue square with text "and remember, we're all in this together"
Blue square with text "this summer Stay Sane and Stay Safe"
What happens when hungry, worn-out soldiers arrive in Old Town, a sad and dreary village of grumpy residents who have no desire to share? Find out how the weary but wise soldiers bring everyone together, with just a few stones! Enjoy a message of kindness and community in this classic tale told with song, dance, and a little bit of silliness as we all learn “We are better together.” The Rexburg Cultural Arts' Storybook Theater camp introduces children ages 6-11 to the joy of the theater, and creates a fun family musical in just two weeks’ time! Celebrate growing talents and show your support this Friday (7 pm) and Saturday (2 pm) at the Romance Theater. Tickets are available at or at the door.
8 months ago, City of Rexburg
three children holding a ladel in a big black pot on stage with other children behind them  | vegetable graphics border | "Stone Soup"
boy holding a burlap sack full  | vegetable graphics border | "Stone Soup"
cast of the play posed on stage with arms extended  | vegetable graphics border | "Stone Soup"
poster graphic for "stone soup" with vegetable border. July 19 7pm, July 20 2pm @ the Romance Theater in Rexburg
ROAD CONSTRUCTION / CLOSURE ALERT! Beginning tomorrow, 7/10, Barney Dairy Road from 3rd E to 16th and segments of North Hill Rd will be closed for a resurfacing & utilities project. UPDATE: Access will not be available on Barney Dairy Road while it is closed. All homes that have driveways on North Hill Road will be granted access. Residents with neighboring subdivision access to North Hill Road should plan to use the South end of the subdivision for access during the first phase of construction. **Detour signs have been posted** Beginning next Monday, 7/15, work will move over to 4th E and progress back to North Hill Road for 3 more days of construction. For more specific details, please see our Featured Construction page. **Please note that timelines for project completions are, as always, tentative to allow for variables and unforeseen circumstances.
8 months ago, City of Rexburg
Road Closure Alert Notification with blue transparent background over a "Road Closed" sign and text repeated from the body of this post.
LID 53 contractor map
We received an update today from ITD about the Rexburg Interchange projects: - ITD is expecting the south exit to be open by the morning of next Wednesday, July 3, barring any unforeseen challenges. - The traffic signal that will direct the diverging diamond flow of traffic at this new interchange is being commissioned tomorrow. - Paving is ongoing as they are laying the first “lift” of pavement and a second lift of pavement will still need to be completed after the exit is reopened. - As such, construction will be ongoing and occassional lane closures will still need to happen around the Exit 332 interchange throughout the rest of the summer. One lane of traffic in each direction will stay open even during these times. Rexburg, that means learning to drive a DDI is imminent! Signs will be posted at the interchange, but we strongly advocate for familiarizing yourself with them in advance! You can watch ITD's informational video about these types of interchanges here: As expected, Exit 333 will close later on this summer, with traffic redirected to Exit 332 or 337. This closure is tentatively planned for July 29, and will continue through August 30, to be reopened in advance of Labor Day. These dates are not firmed up yet, and changes may very well come
9 months ago, City of Rexburg
DDI Diagram of the Rexburg South exit
DDI Diagram of the Rexburg central exit
Join Rexburg Cultural Arts this Monday at 7:00 pm at the Madison High School Performing Arts Center as we celebrate the Red, White, and Blue! Our annual patriotic program offers the community an opportunity to join along in song to share our unifying American spirit! This fun annual program is one tradition you'll definitely want to be a part of! See you there!
9 months ago, City of Rexburg
Patriotic Program on July 1st flyer
Hey Rexburg! The parade is coming up next Thursday! As this comes up every year, we want to remind you that personal property can't be placed on the sidewalk or public spaces (like parks or grass strips) anywhere in the city (per 9.01.020, Obstructing Streets And Sidewalks - Prohibited). **Chairs or other property placed along the parade route on public property before 6:00 pm the night before the event will be picked up and taken to the City's Parks Maintenance Shop (near Rexburg Rapids).
9 months ago, City of Rexburg
Rexburg Attention graphic with "PARADE INFO |  No chairs on the sidewalk along the parade route until 6pm the night before the event." with chairs and American flag bunting banners
We want you to stay in-the-know with what's happening in City of Rexburg! Download our app to stay informed. Download for Android Download for iPhone
9 months ago, City of Rexburg
It's everything City of Rexburg, in your pocket.
Have you heard? Rexburg's popular fun run, the Foamy 5k is back!!! The run is this Saturday at Riverside Park! For more information, visit!
9 months ago, City of Rexburg
blue foamy background with Foamy 5K logo  & bubbles. Reads "Come run the Foam 5k, June 22nd, Riverside park, Registration link"
!!HEAVY TRAFFIC ALERT!! Rexburg, we know how much you're loving the traffic delays these days, so we thought we'd let you know... This Saturday from Noon and beyond we expect HEAVY TRAFFIC CONGESTION in the area of Main Street and Pioneer/Airway Blvd. We're so excited for our airshow event on Saturday and we are expecting a large crowd! As with any event, this brings a lot of traffic! Rexburg Police Department will be diverting traffic on Main Street between 5th W to 12th W from Noon and beyond (until the airshow traffic has cleared the area). Traffic exiting Highway 20 on the central exit will be diverted away from the center of town and towards Valley Wide. If you are not planning to attend the air show and if at all possible, PLEASE AVOID THE AREA during these times to help minimize traffic and assist with the flow as much as possible. Thank you for your continued patience and thank you to everyone who has worked together for the event on Saturday! Again, we're so excited for the Air Show...we hope it's a huge success! (and we're jealous of the residents who will be able to see it from home!) ;)
9 months ago, City of Rexburg
Attention! Heavy Traffic Alert! Expect congestion and delays on Saturday, 6/15
Air Show Graphic