We hope to see you this Wednesday at the "President's Own" United States Marine Band performance at the BYU-Idaho Center! This FREE Concert will bring spectacular talent and moving rhythm right to our backyard! We can't wait! Bring the whole family and Don't miss it! *photos courtesy of the US Marine Band
5 months ago, City of Rexburg
White House with Marine Band posed in front
Marine Band trumpeters
Marine Band conductor
Idaho Marine Band performance locations and dates - Rexburg, 10/23/2024
Want to take a class or teach others about your favorite Skill or Hobby? We're looking to expand our Recreation offerings! Let us know how we can help you share your hobby with others in the area. Fill out our quick form and help our programming grow! https://www.rexburg.org/o/parksrecreation/forms/9950
5 months ago, Parks & Rec
"Want to take a class or teach others about your skill or hobby?" images of puzzle pieces with hobby icons on them.
The East Idaho Business Building is coming to Rexburg! This dynamic 2.5-day workshop presents an exceptional opportunity to develop a business over an engaging weekend, all while networking with like-minded, innovative peers. Join us at City Hall on the 21st through the 23rd of November to kickstart your business venture! Sign up online: https://www.madisoneconomicpartners.org/event-details/east-idaho-business-builder
5 months ago, City of Rexburg
EI Business Building Advert with text and flowing streaks of blue light.
EI Business Building workshop advert text
11/21-23 2024 @ city hall
Howdy Partners! Come kick up your heels with us for a rootin' tootin' good time! Our OkTUBERfest is back this year - this Saturday, Oktuber (see what we did there?) 12th at the Tabernacle from 4-7 pm! We're still in need of a few volunteers. If you'd like to help us out with a few activities at the festival, we'd sure appreciate ya'! Sign up here to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DACAB2AA0FAC25-51601079-oktuberfest#/ Don't forget about the Speedy Spud 5k that morning and the Country Roads Community Concert (benefiting the Tabernacle Legacy Campaign) that evening! Check out our community calendar for more information!
5 months ago, City of Rexburg
Wanted: OkTUBERfest volunteers graphic. Click link on image to sign up!
Heads up Rexburg! Before you lob over to Smith Park with a racquet in tow, we want to serve up some information📣...the tennis courts at Smith Park will be closed for two weeks as they undergo construction! 🎾 We hope the work rallies awesome advantages once it's been finished. 😉
5 months ago, Parks & Rec
NOTICE: The Tennis Courts at Smith Park will be closed for two weeks for construction.
Road Closure Alert! The US Hwy 20 South interchange in Rexburg at University Blvd will be closed to through traffic from September 30th through October 4th to allow for the final layer of paving!
5 months ago, City of Rexburg
"Road Closure Alert!  The US Hwy 20 South interchange in Rexburg at University Blvd will be closed to through traffic from September 30th through October 4th to allow for the final layer of paving!"
September is National Preparedness Month! You can ensure that you and your crew are ready for an emergency by taking action this month. This year's theme is "Start a conversation". From ready.gov: "Talking about bad things that could happen like a disaster or emergency isn’t always easy. We may think we’re protecting the people we love by avoiding these conversations, but they are important to start taking steps to get ready and stay safe. 'Starting a conversation today can help you and your family to take more actions to prepare. By taking simple steps, you can build your preparedness at your own pace." Learn more from ready.gov about what steps you can take here: https://www.ready.gov/september Safety Information for Rexburg Residents: https://www.rexburg.org/.../safety-information-for-residents
6 months ago, City of Rexburg
boy with shocked face and hands on cheecks..."It might be spooky season, but don't get caught in a spooky situation"
"sept is national preparedness month" with disaster prep items on a wooden surface
basic map with route shown and a smart phone on a black surface. "This year, start a conversation"
family of 4 in living room looking at a route-planning map with disaster prep items on the coffee table. "start a conversation about disaster planning"
lightning strike "start a converstation about severe storms"
school bus on a snowy residential street "start a converstation about extreme cold"
house on fire as older couple looks on in an embrace "start a converstation about fire safety"
team of 4 adults around a wooden table in a high five "start a converstation and be ready for anything."
Have you heard the news? Rexburg has a new app! Download the app on your mobile device and become a Rexburg Pro TODAY! The app features city notifications, a news page, a community calendar, helpful tools, contact info, and more! Have questions? Come see us today at Experience Rexburg in Porter Park so our team can help show you how to make the most of this new feature.
6 months ago, City of Rexburg
"Become a Rexburg Pro with our new app!" image of phone with app home screen - blue with City seal, plus Rusty the robot - the app's mascot, and text
How long until you can see the stop sign? Our city crews have been out and about and have found quite a few overgrown landscaping greens that are obstructing the view of stop signs, pedestrians, and oncoming traffic around corners. Not only normal traffic, but garbage trucks, school buses, street sweepers, and soon snow plows all have a hard time seeing around these overgrown greens as the leaves scrape across, and sometimes fully block their windshields! This is a safety concern and we need your help to address it! It's the property owner's responsibility to maintain landscaping all the way to the curb. Please make sure your curb landscaping trees are cut high (ideally 10' of clearance) and shrubs are cut low (ideally below 3'). See Development Code - Landscaping 3.02.90 https://rexburg.municipalcodeonline.com/book?type=development#name=3.02.90_Screening_And_Landscaping And Development Code – Sight Triangle 3.02.050 https://rexburg.municipalcodeonline.com/book?type=development#name=3.02.050_Clear_View_Of_Intersecting_Streets;_Sight_Triangle
6 months ago, City of Rexburg
view from a driver side of a car - can't see stop sign ahead
"can you see the stop sign"
view from a driver side of a car - overgrown trees
"how about now"
"ahhh...there it is"
"Make sure you’re maintaining the line of sight around your property and help keep our community safe!"
view from a driver side of a car - can't see crosswalk sign ahead
view from a driver side of a car - can't see stop sign aheadview from a driver side of a car - overgrown trees
If you’ve got a twang in your tune and a flip in your lip, you better saddle on up! Don’t miss this honky-tonk opportunity to strut your stuff at our "Country Roads" community concert! We’re lookin’ for folks who can sing, pick, or just bring that good ol’ country spirit. So grab your boots, dust off that guitar, and come audition for our show! But best be fast...auditions are due TONIGHT! Submit a video of your tune online here: rexburg.org/o/arts/page/community-concert Up to 3 videos each of a 3-minute max. tune can be submitted. We can’t wait to...partner with ya for this romping stomping good time! Don't have the pipes, but want to swing and sway to the tunes? Whelp, don't be shy! Y’all better mark your calendars for October 12th at the Tabernacle! Get ready to kick up your heels because you won’t want to miss this...it's gonna be one heck of a show filled with foot-stompin’ music, laughter, and a whole lotta country spirit.
6 months ago, City of Rexburg
Country Roads Video Audition
US Hwy 20 Exit 333 (Main St) is scheduled to fully RE-OPEN TONIGHT! It will remain fully open through the weekend to accommodate the BYU-I move-in traffic influx and reduce to a partial closure on Monday. Please be aware that traffic cones will be in place as concrete barriers have not yet been installed. The south exit will also be fully open through this weekend and resume a partial closure on Monday. Thank you for your patience and as always, drive safe!
6 months ago, City of Rexburg
hwy 20 to fully reopen tonight message with text and graphic of road and blue sky
HazWaste Days at the Madison County Transfer Station are taking place tomorrow and Monday, September 7th & 9th! Don't miss this chance to clear the clutter from your garage and shed...for FREE!!! See flyers for what can and cannot be accepted.
6 months ago, City of Rexburg
Haz-Waste Days flyer
Haz-Waste Days acceptable items list
Are you ready to ride the backroads and dust off your cowboy (cowgirl?) boots? We're inviting musicians, singers, and bands of all ages and skill levels to audition with your favorite country classics, bluegrass tunes, and Americana hits. From Willie to Waylon, Dolly to Garth, and everything in between, we're looking for performances that capture the spirit of country music's rich heritage. The concert performance date is Saturday, October 12th, 2024 at the Tabernacle! Submissions are due by September 16th. The video should be an mp4 file, no longer than 3 minutes. You can upload up to 3 songs in total. *By submitting your files, you agree that the content you have shared is an accurate representation of the performance you will display at our event and that the content is your own and legally acceptable for this purpose. Audition Form link: https://www.rexburg.org/o/arts/forms/music-program-interest-form The form can also be found in the City's new app, under Rexburg Cultural Arts/Forms
6 months ago, Cultural Arts
photo with text: "Country Roads" cowboy  boot and hat with guitar in background
Hey Rexburg! We are excited to offer a new way to pay your utility bill online! Introducing: Resident Access! With this service, you can now view your bill, pay with a credit card, save your payment information, submit a garbage/recycling service change or move-out request, view your past bills, and more! To sign up for this new service, you will need your customer and account numbers, which can be found on your utility bill. Check out more information about the new system on our website. We hope you enjoy the convenience this offers! https://www.rexburg.org/o/cor/page/city-utilities
6 months ago, City of Rexburg
Using the New resident Access bill pay service
On Monday, September 2nd, 2024, City Hall and our affiliated external offices will be closed in honor of Labor Day. Trash pickup normally scheduled on Monday will be picked up on Tuesday. Emergency operations will remain in place as usual. Did you know that the City of Rexburg has employees in nearly 75 various career fields across our 18 individual departments that are filled by over 500 employees currently working for us...and you?! That's a lot of laborers! We're really grateful for all of the awesome things our employees do on a day-to-day basis. Check out some of the things they provide to help make Rexburg GREAT! ... ... ... P.S. We're hiring! Check out our job opportunities here: https://cityofrexburgid.tylerportico.com/tess/citizen/jobs
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
Labor Day with photo of City Hall
"We want to thank our city employees for"
a safe city; graphics of police and fire persons
"team spirit" graphic of people with basketball
"erm...bathroom essentials" graphic of a toilet
"clean water" graphic of faucet with running water
"keeping us connected" with graphic of globe and technology devices
"taking out the trash" with graphic of garbage truck
"and taking care of all of us here in Rexburg" with graphic of two adults with flower border
thank you in multiple languages and fonts, "Thank you for all you do"
The New Rexburg Fall Activity Guide is now available! Check it out here: https://www.rexburg.org/o/parksrecreation/page/recreation-guide
7 months ago, Parks & Rec
fall activity guide cover - group of 4 people kicking a ball on a sun-lit field + text 2024 fall activity guide
The Carousel at Porter Park has new hours this week: Monday thru Thursday it will be open from 4pm to 7pm Saturday and Monday, 9/2, it will be open from 12pm to 7pm Come take a final spin while you can this year! The final day for the Idaho Centennial Carousel's 2024 season will be Monday, September 2nd.
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
kids on carousel "Carousel Closes Sept. 2nd | New hours this week..." see post for details.
7:00am Friday Sewer Line UPDATE: Early this morning, our dedicated staff along with the crews of the contractor were able to locate and repair the broken section of sewer line. Rexburg Rapids and the splash pad at Porter Park will resume operations today with their normal hours. We thank everyone involved for their hard work and we thank the community for their patience and assistance. We hope you have a great weekend!
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
5:10pm Sewer Line UPDATE: Crews are still actively working on the sewer line break; they are currently attempting to reach the point of the line break, but water flow is working against them. At this time, we are asking residents to stop any activities that allow water to access the drain. This includes indoor and outdoor water use that would go to the drain. Once the crews are able to reach the break, we hope to know more information. We appreciate everyone's patience and assistance as our teams work on necessary repairs.
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
Out of an abundance of caution, Rexburg Rapids and the splash pad at Porter Park will be closed for the remainder of the day.
7 months ago, City of Rexburg
UPDATE: Out of an abundance of caution, Rexburg Rapids and the splash pad at Porter Park will be closed for the remainder of the day.