Parks Rexburg

Contact Information

City Hall: (208) 359-3020

Recreation Department: (208) 372-2560


Evergreen Park

Evergreen Park banner - kid soccer goalie holding ball in front of net; park playground, map of the park

Evergreen Park is located on the corner of Main Street and Pioneer Rd, across the road from Rexburg’s Legacy Golf Course. Evergreen Park contains two large sports fields with a playground and park shelter to the side. 

Park Amenities

  • 1 Shelter/Pavilion: Reserve the Shelter

    • 4 picnic tables that can each hold 10-12 people

    • Reservation costs $40 for up to 4 hours and 100 people.

Park Features

  • 2 fields, 1 each for Rugby and Soccer

  • Playground Structure

  • 1 Shelter/Pavilion: Reserve the Shelter

    • 4 picnic tables that can each hold 10-12 people

    • Reservation costs $40 for up to 4 hours and 100 people.


766 Lodgepole St
Rexburg, ID 83440

The park can be accessed from the south side, off Pioneer Rd.