Please use the Dog Waste Stations at our dog parks to clean up after your pups!
Contact Information
City Hall: (208) 359-3020
Recreation Department: (208) 372-2560
Animal Control: (208) 359-3005
Rexburg's Dog Parks

Off-Leash Space for our Four-Legged Companions to Run
In the City of Rexburg, we understand that four-legged friends are quality-of-life essential for many. With so many residents living in smaller multi-family homes, many of our community's dogs need a space where they are free to burn off their excess energy to provide them with the highest quality of life and keep destructive behaviors at bay. The City of Rexburg is happy to offer residents two parks, each with 2 separately fenced and gated areas where the dogs are free to run and roam.
Dog parks are the only parks or public spaces where dogs may play and roam off-leash. At all other parks and public spaces, dogs must always be on a leash. Dog parks are also the only parks where the city provides doggy waste bags. This is to encourage the use of these parks for your furry friends. Please use these bags to clean up after your pet relieves itself. We ask that while you're visiting, ensure your pets are under your supervision at all times.
Please help us keep our parks clean! Always clean up after your pets!
Posted Dog Park Rules
Use the dog park at your own risk. Should an incident occur within the dog park, you alone are responsible for your pet.
Owners are legally responsible for the behavior of their dog(s) at all times.
Aggressive dogs are not permitted in the dog park. If a dog becomes aggressive during their visit, it must vacate the park immediately.
Dogs must be leashed at all times outside of the fenced and gated areas of the dog parks.
Owners must be inside the dog park and supervising their dog(s) at all times.
Dog waste must be immediately cleaned up by their owners.
Primary dog handlers must be at least 16 years of age. Visitors under 16 must be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times.
All dogs must be licensed with the City of Rexburg, vaccinated, and wear a visible dog license.
The following items are not permitted within the dog parks:
Human & Dog food/treats (these can cause aggressive behavior)
Glass containers (if it breaks, it's difficult to clean up and broken glass could injure a pup or their person)
Dogs in heat (a known trigger of aggressive and territorial behavior)
Sick dogs (please keep our community's pups healthy)
Aggressive dogs (dogs known to be aggressive pose too much of a risk for our furry friends)
Puppies (under 6 months old are at a higher risk of getting sick or injured in a dog park)
If you find a dog off-leash in the city that is abandoned, aggressive, or otherwise causing a nuisance, please contact the Rexburg Animal Shelter, which is operated by the Rexburg Police Department. After hours, you can call the RPD's main office line: (208) 359-3008.
City Ordinances for Dog Owners:
Dog Licensing Requirements: Chapter 7.2 DOGS - for statutory provisions related to dogs and requiring the licensing of the same, see Idaho Code ch. 25-28.
Cleaning up after your dog's waste: 7.02.070 Dog Defecation To Be Removed By Animal Owner - states that owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs on all private and public property. Owners found in violation of this ordinance are susceptible to fee code POLAC30 ($100).
Dogs must be leashed on city/public property: 7.02.080 Dog Leash Regulations In City-Owned Parks / 7.02.090 Running At Large Restrictions - states that dogs are welcome on public property as long as they remain leashed or safely confined to the owner's vehicle. Owners found in violation of this ordinance are susceptible to fee codes POLAC07-POLAC09 ($50-$200).
Nature Park Dog Park: 515 N 5th W, Rexburg, ID 83440, the northeasternmost corner of Nature Park.
To access this park, follow 5th W, which will turn into Nature Park Dr. Turn right into the parking lot after the first curve, the dog park is on the hill above the skate park.
Providence Square Dog Park: where W 1st S ends, just past S 4th W.
To access this park, enter the Providence Square Apartments. The park is on the northernmost side of their parking lot. Parking is available on the south and eastern ends of the park.