Planning Efforts
This City Center Vision Document provides a strategy for building on existing strengths while promoting growth. This document defines the vision and goals collected from past planning efforts, as well as input from residents, elected leaders, and city staff; it outlines proposed strategies identified herein to realize the Vision. This City Center Vision is based on an overarching statement of the community’s values and is consistent with community-formulated City Center goals.
The City Center consists of the blocks between 1st N and 2nd S and 2nd E and 2nd W.
This plan is a vision of new developments, revitalization efforts, new transportation, open space, and parks planning for the city limits of Rexburg and it's Impact Area. This is not a zoning map. A zoning map is the current laws and restrictions of what can or cannot be built or done on a parcel of land.
Envision Madison was a two-year project sponsored by Madison Economic Partners, Inc. Envision Madison was headed by a citizen-based, Executive Committee and had the partnership of the Idaho Transportation Department, the City of Rexburg, the City of Sugar City, Madison County, and Brigham Young University-Idaho. During the course of the “visioning” process, over 1,500 Madison County residents participated in events, workshops, and online surveys.
The purpose of this plan is to integrate the Madison County, Sugar City, and City of Rexburg Survey, Open House meeting, and Master Plan Committee input with proposed staff short- and long-term goals, including the findings from Envision Madison. The survey and meetings identify critical community needs in recreational of fitness activities, parks, and trails, the types of venues that are being used or could be built, and how to pay for both the building and long-term operation and maintenance costs.
The Trails Plan recommends that planning policies be strengthened to include: multi-modal transportation studies which would include bike and pedestrian alternatives to vehicular transportation; encouraging developers to meaningfully set aside land for bicycle and pedestrian connections; ensuring that these connections are meaningfully connected, the greater trail network, and to commercial centers and the to the Downtown.
In a joint effort with Madison County, the City of Rexburg, and Sugar City, this plan envisions what the County's current and impending needs are, and look to the future. What will the transportation system be for our grandchildren and their grandchildren? Will decisions made today have a lasting impact on decisions they make to live and work in Madison County?
Over the next 25 years, it is anticipated that the number and mix of roadway users will continue to grow with a thriving University and a desire by businesses to locate in Madison County. Transportation that accommodates this growth will ensure the continuation of the strong economic vitality and exceptional quality of life that currently exists in Madison County