The Zoning Map shows what regulations apply to a particular parcel of land.

Planning & Zoning Maps
Zoning Map
Comprehensive Plan Map
The Comprehensive Plan Map shows what land use is desired for growth within the City of Rexburg.
City Center Map
Map showing the boundary of the City Center of Rexburg.
Impact Area Map
The Impact Area is land just outside of the city boundaries in which the city can potentially expand and annexation into the city can occur. The scope of the Area of Impact is negotiated between the City and the County as land that can be reasonably annexed. This area is technically still county property, but the County has made an agreement with the City of Rexburg; the County upholds the City of Rexburg’s rules in this area to allow for a smooth transition to city regulations and Development Code requirements. The City of Rexburg is the enforcing agency responsible for compliance in th
Pedestrian Emphasis District Map
The Pedestrian Emphasis District is created to enable and enhance activity close to the City Center and Brigham Young University - Idaho. Dormitory-style housing within the Pedestrian Emphasis District will not require a Conditional Use Permit.
Urban Renewal Districts Map
The City of Rexburg began to explore the use of tax increment financing as an economic development tool in 1990 and on November 6, 1991 the Rexburg Urban Renewal Agency (also known as the Rexburg Redevelopment Agency) was formed. The Rexburg URA is composed of a seven member commission that oversees and coordinates redevelopment efforts in Rexburg. They have engaged in strategic planning in coordination with the City Council and have implemented urban renewal projects to help develop and improve the City of Rexburg. Learn More