Contact Information
Rexburg Arts
(208) 372-2510
Rexburg is home to multiple music programs that feature various forms of talent and musical styles. These programs use the Rexburg Tabernacle Civic Center as a practice and performance space throughout the year. The programs run seasonally. These programs include
Upper Valley Women's Choir
Tabernacle Orchestra
Heritage Youth Symphony
Rexburg's Liberty Choir
Stars and Stripes Orchestra
Thanksgiving Community Choir
Cultural Arts Community Concert Series
Summer Theater Camps:
Rexburg Cultural Arts offers two summer theater camps for two different age ranges. Throughout these camps, youth will participate in every aspect of musical theatre, have fun, make friends, and gain confidence on stage.
Visual Arts
Rexburg Cultural Arts offers weekly art classes for kids, teens and adults. All skill levels are welcome and all supplies are provided. You will leave with a finished art piece. Space is limited to 12 participants per class. Be sure to register in advance to secure your seat!
Kids Art Exploration Classes: (Grades K-4) | Tuesdays | $12.00 per participant
Teens and Tweens Creative Corner Classes: (Grades 5-12) | Tuesdays | $12.00 per participant
Adult Intro to Watercolor: (Ages 18+) | Thursday mornings, 10am-Noon, and evenings, 7-9pm | $17.00 per participant