What does it take to plow the City of Rexburg's Streets?
Should the City of Rexburg utilize Snow Gates?
Winter Street Policies
Before every winter storm...
Our city street crew diligently monitors weather forecasts from various sources to anticipate the arrival and severity of storms. When snow is predicted, our teams proactively apply a brine solution to major arterial roads and other critical areas, including the business district, steep slopes, school zones, and city parking lots. This brine solution helps to melt snow and ice before it has a chance to freeze to the pavement, proving most effective on clear road surfaces in temperatures above 20°F.
Please be advised that there are special parking restrictions from December 15th through March 1st.
City Ordinance #1030 prohibits the parking or storage of any automobile, truck, bicycle, wagon, or other vehicle, machine, or personal property on the streets or alleys of Rexburg, Idaho, between December 15th and March 1st, during the hours of 2:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M. This regulation is essential to ensure that all city streets remain clear, allowing snow removal crews to work quickly and efficiently to maintain safe travel conditions
We are always looking for ways to improve our snow removal process in the most fiscally responsible way and with the least impact to Rexburg residents. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Public Works Department at City Hall.