Are your friends and family local to the Rexburg community? Do you know someone who might like to help us raise awareness and funds for this legacy project? Do you have access to a social media platform or other in-person group or activity? Are you passionate about the arts and your community here in Rexburg? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you’re the perfect candidate to help spread the word about the project and SHARE our campaign information with your contacts and your community!

Donation Efforts


Throughout the duration of renovations (likely through 2027 and beyond) there will be multiple events and activities hosted by the City and our affiliates to help raise awareness and funds for the campaign. You can help by volunteering at one or many of our events! We hope to establish a planning committee and a list of available volunteers on our Engage Rexburg platform. You can sign up to volunteer there, or directly to our Rexburg Arts department and be placed on a mailing list so you can know all the details of help needed throughout the project.

Community Donations
Explore the rich history and charm of the Rexburg Tabernacle Civic Center by contributing to the Tabernacle Legacy Campaign. Your donation can assist in achieving different objectives within our project. By supporting us, you will not only aid in restoring this iconic landmark but also demonstrate your commitment to conserving our history, our heritage, and our legacy.

Corporate Donations
Immerse yourself in the history and beauty of the Rexburg Tabernacle Civic Center by becoming a distinguished sponsor of our Capital Campaign. With eight exclusive naming-tier sponsorship opportunities available at multiple valuations, you have the chance to leave a lasting legacy in our community. Your support will not only contribute to the restoration of this iconic landmark but also showcase your dedication to preserving our history, our heritage, and our commitment to the arts.