What does it take to plow the City of Rexburg's Streets?
Should the City of Rexburg utilize Snow Gates?
Winter Street Policies
Before every winter storm...
During the winter, the Street Department constantly monitors weather forecasts from multiple sources to try to predict when storms will arrive and how big the storms will be. When snowfall is forecasted, the Street Department sprays a brine (salt) solution on all major roads in the city before the storm is forecasted to arrive. This includes some downtown roads, in the business district, areas where traffic stops, steep hills, around schools, and city parking lots. The brine is designed to assist in melting the snow and ice before it is able to freeze to the road. The brine works most effectively when the streets are not already ice-covered and when temperatures are above 20°F.
Please be advised that there are special parking restrictions from December 15th through March 1st. Why? In short, so our plows have free access to the streets to allow for fast and efficient plowing procedures.
Rexburg City Ordinance #1030 Prohibits overnight parking on ALL streets and alleys within the city limits from 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. from December 15th to March 1st. This applies to all vehicles and personal property, including campers, trailers, and other recreational vehicles.
This restriction is in place to help keep the streets clear of parked vehicles when the street crews are plowing the streets, which improves efficiency and safety. Residents who fail to remove their vehicles from the street during these hours are subject to a fine.
We are always looking for ways to improve our snow removal process in the most fiscally responsible way and with the least impact to Rexburg residents. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Public Works Department at City Hall.