The City of Rexburg has a mobile App! From there you can view our calendar, connect with various departments, check out Rexburg's latest news, and see our current notification feed. You can also sign up for notifications and be the first to find out about important happenings in and around our city! Download it now from your mobile app store and become a Rexburg Pro today!

Stay Informed
The City of Rexburg has multiple opportunities for the public to stay informed about what is happening in Rexburg.

The Rexburg Mobile App!

City Council Meetings
City Council Meetings are normally held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the City Council Chambers - 35 North 1st East, Rexburg, ID (enter through the rear of City Hall to access council chambers). Planning & Zoning Meetings are typically the first and third Thursday of the month - the same time and place as the City Council meetings.
See our City Council Meetings page for agendas, minutes, live meeting links, zoom links, and more information about past and future meetings.

Public Hearings
City Council Meetings are normally held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the City Council Chambers - 35 North 1st East, Rexburg, ID.
Planning and Zoning Meetings are normally held on the first and third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the City Council Chambers - 35 North 1st East, Rexburg, ID.
See our Public Hearings page for information about past and future public hearings.

Mobile Forms
Our website and mobile app both have access to our "Forms" page. From here you can find important documents for residents and those looking to do business with the City. We also have a folder to "Share Your Thoughts." Here, we'll post occasional surveys and questions to residents about upcoming decisions for city enhancements. Keep an eye on the Forms folder for ways to communicate with us!
Forms can be found at the top of the menu on any page.

Social Media
Find out the latest information about the City of Rexburg, volunteer opportunities, fun things to do, and more. Like and follow our social media pages to get updates from the City directly in your timeline. Visit our social media page to see our terms of use and links to all our active social media pages.

Monthly Newsletter
The Mayor and his staff put out a monthly message in a newsletter that is delivered along with the City Utility Bill each month. We invite you to access any of the newsletters from the past few months. If you don't receive a utility bill in the mail (or maybe you just prefer to read things online) you can also sign up to receive our monthly newsletter by email!
See our Monthly Newsletter page to access current and previous newsletters.