Main Street Marquee (MSM) FAQ
Can I post something to the Main Street Marquee (MSM)
Main Street Marquee (MSM) Policy
Who is allowed to use the MSM?
The City of Rexburg and its affiliated partners are allowed to use the sign. This includes Madison School District, the Chamber of Commerce, BYU-Idaho, and Madison County and its affiliated entities. Other interested parties may enquire about use and may be permitted (or denied) on a case-by-case basis.
Each community partner has a designated contact person who is allowed to submit information to us to request use of the sign. These individuals are aware of the policies and requirements for posting to the sign and have been approved to send the City's team graphics for use on the MSM.
What is the sign allowed to be used for?
The sign is to be used for informing the public about local events and notifications that are pertinent to the community. The sign is NOT to be used for promotional purposes for that of an individual, idea, or belief.
Where is the MSM?
The sign is located at the end of Main Street, where it meets 2nd W. It sits on an island with a traffic light at the intersection.
When can my graphic get posted on the MSM?
The sign has a two-week run time requirement for any events posted by affiliated parties outside of the City of Rexburg. City of Rexburg official posts may be posted for a longer period that will be determined based on the need of the department requesting use, sign lineup space, and other variables to be considered at the time of posting.
I fit all these guidelines, how can I get something posted on the MSM?
Contact our Public Relations Department with your request to post something the sign and she will help you run through the approval and posting process; Email Public Relations
Please pay careful attention to the specifications below for graphic requirements.
MSM Graphic Specifications
Graphics must be 1200x600 JPEG files.
The text should give basic info only. All text on the graphic must be legible within a 6-second run-time.
Make sure to include the date of your event, if pertinent.
Use a minimum of 30pt text in an easily legible font. Cursive fonts (except for titles or logos) are not recommended.
QR codes are not permitted on MSM graphics for the safety of drivers on the road. You may note a website link or phone number on the image.
Avoid full white (#FFFFFF) or black (#000000) backgrounds as much as possible as the white can appear very bright and black will appear like an abyss on the sign.