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Inspections Required
Residential Building Permit Inspection Checklist
Layout & Footing
Layout- lot corners staked, stakes in place for the building before excavation. Footing- made after poles or piers are set or trenched or basement areas are excavated. Forms & reinforcing is in place. Vertical reinforcing cut & on job site or tied in place.
Foundation- Shall include excavations for thickened slabs for the support of bearing walls, partitions, structural supports, or equipment and special requirements for wood foundations. All forms and reinforcing steel, etc. shall be in place.
Plumbing Underground
Plumbing Underground- Any plumbing work under slab/concrete floor, inspection needs to be done before concrete is poured. Radon- Piping laid to exhaust radon gas from under house, inspection done before concrete is poured. *These inspections may not be applicable for all projects.
Plumbing Water & Plumbing Sewer
Plumbing Water & Sewer- Inspection to check city water and city sewer connections to house.
Sheeting- will be inspected for nail separation. Prior to plumbing, electrical, & mechanical.
Plumbing Rough-in
Plumbing Rough-in- Made prior to covering or concealment, before framing inspection.
HVAC (mechanical) Rough-in & Gas Pressure Test
HVAC (mechanical) Rough-in- Made prior to covering or concealment, before framing inspection.
Electrical Service
Electrical Service- The conductors and equipment for delivering energy from the serving utility to the wiring system of the premises served. *This inspection may not be applicable for all projects.
Electrical Rough-in
Electrical Rough-in- Made prior to covering or concealment, before framing inspection.
Made after roof, masonry, all framing, fire stopping, drafts topping, & bracing are in place. This includes house wrap.
Insulation- Outside envelope inspection for energy code compliance.
Drywall- Made after interior wallboard is in place, before texture is applied and joint & fasteners are taped and finished.
Sidewalk- 6” of gravel fill in valley and 12” of gravel fill on hill locations required under all sidewalks. Standard sidewalk width is 5’ with broom finish. Cross slope is a maximum of ¼” per foot to street. 1:12 slope maximum in direction of travel. Place preformed expansion joint filler at driveway construction and at maximum spacing of 50’ of sidewalk.
Electrical Final
Electrical Final- Fixtures and wall covers in place, appliances in place. Directory completed in panel box, ready for occupancy.
Plumbing Final
Plumbing Final- All systems in place, fixtures set, ready for occupancy.
HVAC (mechanical) Final
HVAC (mechanical) Final- All systems in place, fixtures set, ready for occupancy.
Building Final
Building Final- Made after all other finals have passed. Building is completed and ready for occupancy.
*You can also view your permit in the portal for inspections that need to be done.