Contact Information
Inspection Request
City Building Inspectors are certified individuals who check for compliance with approved plans and specifications and applicable building codes in the course of construction, installation and repair of buildings and structures to protect the public’s health, safety and general welfare. The city’s inspection hotline allows homeowner’s and contractors to request inspections by identifying themselves and their project on a recording system at their convenience.
Please call the inspection hotline for inspections.
Do not call the inspectors directly to schedule an inspection.
Inspection hotline (208) 372-2344
Please provide the following information when you call:
Name of the person calling
Business name
Contact number
Name of the project
Permit number
Address for location of project including building or unit number when applicable
Requested inspection type
Time/Date request
Inspections called into the hotline prior to 8AM will be scheduled for the same day.
Those inspections called in to the hotline after 8AM will be scheduled for the following day.