Rexburg Civil Rights Compliance
The City of Rexburg is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. We strive to provide equal access to all City-sponsored programs, services, and activities for citizens with disabilities.
Any citizen needing accommodation or services in order to participate in a City of Rexburg event or program, please contact the Rexburg City Clerk’s Office at (208) 359-3020 ext. 0 or you may submit an accommodation request online.
You may also contact our Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Oversight Committee with any questions or concerns at this address.
Or if you are interested in serving on this committee, please submit your application.
(Links also detailed below.)
If necessary, a Discrimination Complaint Form can be submitted online, or you may download the pdf. A paper copy of this form may also be obtained at Rexburg City Hall: 35 N 1st E Rexburg, ID 83440.
You may submit your complaint form by mail to the City of Rexburg, Attn: City Clerk, PO Box 280 Rexburg, ID 83440 or you may email it to customerservices@rexburg.org.
PDF Documents
Resolution No 2024-11 Title VI Non-Discrimination Policy Statement
Resolution No 2024-12 Title VI Discrimination Complaint Procedure
City of Rexburg Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
Discrimination Complaint Form Link: https://laserfiche.rexburg.org/Forms/grievance
ADA Accommodation Request Form: https://laserfiche.rexburg.org/forms/ada
ADA Oversight Committee Contact Link: https://laserfiche.rexburg.org/Forms/ADAconnect
Serving on the committee link: https://laserfiche.rexburg.org/Forms/CommitteeReq