March Meetings:
City Council: 3/5 & 3/19
Planning & Zoning: 3/6 & 3/20
Mayor's March, 2025 Message
Hello Everyone, March is always an interesting month. Many people are tired of winter by now and hoping that Punxsutawney Phil will predict an early spring and that prediction will come true. Phil predicted 6 more weeks of winter this year, but he is only right about 47% of the time according to the “Live Science” website. So, if you’re looking forward to warmer days ahead there is hope!
One thing I’m constantly learning is that we can complain about things, or we can look for the bright side of any situation. It’s easy to talk about the potholes and how terrible the roads are or, we can feel fortunate that the weather that creates havoc on our roads also brings us life giving snow and the crisp, clean water that we enjoy here in our beautiful valley. Usually, if we will just slow down and pay closer attention, we can control our fate on the roadways but the snowfall and resulting water is something we have little control of. The City of Rexburg does participate in the cloud seeding program that helps augment our snowpack. This year we need to pray for more snow to supply the water we need later this year.
Speaking of the bright side, our Madison High school students are always stars! Our Wrestlers recently performed well, becoming the District Champions for the first time ever and performed well at the state tournament. Our Boys’ Basketball team is also the District Champs and are on their way to state this week. Best of Luck! We hope to win the championship there and I’m always proud of the way the athletes, students and community comes together to support our teams. I love the years when we capture the Sportsmanship award. Thank you, students and fans, for being positive influences in our society.
Family, friends and all the people around us each day are really the most important thing that we have. I encourage each of us to show love, respect and appreciation to your family, friends, co-workers and even people we don’t know as we go about our daily activities wherever we might be but especially here in “The Burg!” it really is a special place and I love it here and serving all of you.
Rexburg is a great place and one of the reasons we have such a great place is our wonderful team members here at the city. I am always so amazed and appreciative of the extra time given to take care of duties beyond job descriptions, care for individuals who need a special touch, people working diligently to learn new jobs and put in extra time not compensated for and just being generally great people. I am so grateful to work here and be on a great team!
We are continually recognized as the safest city in Idaho. I’d like to thank our Police Department for being a very large part of that. Our Police Chief, Detectives and Officers work very diligently to keep crime, drugs, gangs, and other societal ills to the very minimum. Recognizing that good community relations help them help us, our Rexburg Police are very proactive in being involved in the community with our children at the schools and as many other places as they can. Great job guys and gals of the Rexburg Police Department. We appreciate you!!
We love St. Patrick’s Day at the Merrill home (my wife’s maiden name is Patrick) so have a great St. Patrick’s Day with family and friends and may the luck of the Irish be with you!
Mayor Jerry Merrill Life is Great… Rexburg, Idaho!!!
Program Announcements:
Rexburg Utilities: Rexburg Recycles! Here's the Rules:
Do not bag recycled materials.
Accepted Recycling materials include: Mixed Paper Products: Newspapers, Magazines, Phone Books, Catalogs, Cardboard Boxes, Cereal Boxes, Frozen Food Boxes(must be rinsed of contents), Paper Towel Cores, Office Paper, Note Pads, Index Cards, Coated Paper, Brochures, Envelopes, Manila Folders, Junk Mail, etc.
Plastics: All plastic beverage and household cleaner containers #1 and #2 only (must be rinsed of contents)
Tin and Aluminum Cans (must be rinsed of contents)
Items that Can Not be recycled:
Glass, Plastic Bags, Plastic not mentioned above, Medical Waste, Food Waste, Packaging Materials (peanuts, bubble wrap, Styrofoam).
JUST ONE PIECE of non-recyclable material that is placed in the bin will void the entire load and it will all be sent to the landfill instead of sorted for recycling!
Help keep our recyclables clean and sustainable so we can help keep Idaho clean!
Rexburg Cultural Arts