Social Media
Find out the latest information about the City of Rexburg, volunteer opportunities, and fun things to do. Like or follow our social media pages to get updates from the City directly in your timeline.
Social Media Terms of Use:
The City of Rexburg is home to over 39,000 residents, including a student population of nearly 20,000 who attend Brigham Young University’s Idaho Campus (BYUI). With this large population in our mid-sized community, our constituent reach has an average age of 23. With social media being an integral part of many of our population’s daily lives, we seek to utilize these platforms as a method to reach as much of the public as possible in order to P.I.V.O.T.:
Promote City-sponsored activities, events, photos, and programs.
Inform of City policies and news updates, emergency, and public safety material.
Validate information to the public for a direct source of dependable and factual data.
Offer Transparency and insight into what goes on behind the scenes and how the City operates.
We encourage residents and visitors to interact with us through “likes”, comments, and messages whenever appropriate and we always appreciate the feedback. Keep in mind that this is a public forum and all content on our page, including public interaction, is subject to public disclosure by records request. By commenting on any material on this page, the user agrees to all terms noted herein.
Any commenter interacting with the City of Rexburg and its affiliated entities agrees to abide by strict comment standards. All comments are subject to removal if they violate these standards. Comment standards are as follows:
Any comments that display abusive content, including but not limited to, obscenities, threats, defamation, discrimination, harassment, or bullying tactics.
Personal attacks of any kind against any individual, City department, business, group, or community.
Any form of apparent spam, particularly ones that direct users to unverified unaffiliated links.
Any content that is not related to the context of the post or to the business of the City of Rexburg.
Any content that suggests or encourages the incitement of violence or any act that jeopardizes personal or public safety.
The City of Rexburg renounces responsibility for any comments or promoted content posted by non-affiliated entities to this page. The responsibility for external content of comments rests solely on the organization or individual who is providing them.
The City of Rexburg’s normal business hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, and Friday from 7:30 am to 12:00 pm. After-hours content moderation and responses may not be available.
For additional information about services offered by the City of Rexburg, or to find out how to contact a specific department, please visit our webpage: rexburg.org
All social media content across all City of Rexburg social media platforms is bound by the laws of the State of Idaho and the City of Rexburg.
For questions, please contact publicrelations@rexburg.org.