Urban renewal efforts help encourage development of deteriorating and underutilized areas, attract and retain businesses, generate economic development, and promote job creation in Rexburg.

What is RURA
Urban renewal, also known as urban redevelopment and sometimes urban regeneration, is the systematic development of city areas and infrastructure by enhancing or restoring public buildings, roadways, industrial areas, water and sewage systems, sidewalks, parks, new housing, and other public amenities in accordance with comprehensive plans approved by the Mayor and City Council. Projects are funded by Tax increment financing (See tax increment financing).
What is the Rexburg Urban Renewal Agency?
The Rexburg Urban Renewal Agency, or Rexburg URA, is an independent public body serving the city of Rexburg, Idaho. The Rexburg URA consists of a seven-member commission that oversees and coordinates redevelopment efforts in Rexburg.
The Agency works to stimulate economic/commercial development under three primary goals:
The strengthening of the tax base by encouraging private development and thus increasing the assessed valuation of properties within the Revenue Allocation Area and benefiting the various taxing districts.
The assembly of land into parcels suitable for modern, integrated development with pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
The elimination of environmental deficiencies in the project areas.
These efforts are carried out within several “urban renewal districts” across Rexburg.